True Worshiper

This morning at 5 Am prayer I felt the Lord press this on my heart.
Anyone can pray, but it takes a true worshiper to worship me. 

I knew there was more to it, So let's break it down.

Noah 1828 dictionary defines:
Worship: To adore; to pay divine honors to reverence with supreme respect and veneration.
To respect: to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission; as a lover with bended knees.

Reverence: Fear mingled with respect and esteem.

Extravagant: One who is confined to no general rule.

John 4:23
But an hour is coming, and now is when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.

The English word for worship started from the spelling of worthship.
Worthship: To acknowledge the worth of what one is worshiping.

When we come into his presence we are to worship with in spirit and truth. We are to come just as we are;casting all our burdens on the Lord. Worship is vital in our relationship with God. We worship with our whole heart; not so others around us will be impressed, but to honor the one who created us. Worship is a time to surrender our everything. Now there are so many different ways to worship, but I want to encourage you this; worship giving your all. Whether you are singing, have your hands raised, are falling to your knees, playing an instrument, or are deep in the word; do it holding Nothing back. Whatever you do make it real. Make your worship reflect the worth of your Lover. Worship Him with a respect that you've never known. Let there be absolutely no confinement to how you worship Him.

As a very well known worship leader says "It's a relentless pursuit. A passionate pursuit." Run with all your heart into His arms. Make it real and make it reflect who He is. What is He worth to you? Does it show in your worship? Take the challenge, step out, and worship unafraid/unashamed. Worship as if no one is watching, and worship as if everyone is watching. Worship Him because your love for God is the most passionate and real love that you have.Worship God in such a way that you care more about what people think about Him, then what people think about you. Step out and ask Him to give you a new heart for worship. Chase after your lover with your everything. It's worth it!


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