How far is too far?

I have heard this question from many young people trying to define their relationship. Here is just my thought on the subject; if you're asking How far can I go and not cross the line, then you're too far. It is not a subject about right or wrong. It's not about what your parents expect. It is about what the word of God says. You're to think about what is pure. If you're in  heavy make outs with your boyfriend or girlfriend; do you really think it's just kissing? Do you really think that's as far as it will go? Some people may say some Christians are to extreme on their expectations and border lines, but is your purity no worth high standards? As a young woman are you ready to go to the next level and completely give your body and heart away? I am not here to condemn anyone for we have all made mistakes. Take it from someone who use to say this, and as a young woman who was desperately looking for the approval; all it takes is one time going too far. Here is the thing don't do anything in private that you wouldn't do with your family sitting there. You are worth more than sex, and you deserve to be treated as such. If you're not and he is threatening to leave you if you don't have sex with him; say goodbye! The effects that come even from fooling around a little bit is enough to leave big wounds. Who's to say that boy will be there next week. You are worth a man's pursuit. You are worth a man's commitment. You are worth waiting for, and for the man too. He is worth being the pursuer. He is worth making that commitment to a woman. The message of purity is not just an older person trying to tell you what to do, but to keep you from going through the amount of pain that they may have had to. So next time you start to question "Have we gone to far" or "How far is too far", I mean it take a step back and re evaluate where you're relationship is. You won't regret it.


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