I've never forgotten your name:
Wow! I continue to be blown away by the love of the Father. How he does things just never cease to amaze me. All week I have been sick with a very painful case of swimmers ear. I have been in remarkable amounts of pain, and I have been distracted from everything. This evening the Lord showed me a diet coke bottle with my name on it. This is what I believe he spoke to my heart from the moment I saw the bottle.
I have never forgotten your name.
I'll never forget you. Invite me in and I will sup with you. (Rev 3:20)
Let me take you deeper. Come deeper with me.
I'm right here waiting for you; all you have to do is stop being afraid and remember I've never forgotten your name, and if I haven't forgotten your name then surely how could I ever forget you? I love you beyond just another name. You are worth so much to me. I love you my child and I wait for you like watchmen wait for morning. I want communion with you. I long to be close to you. Let my love absorb you. Let me hold you and wrap my arms around you. I have everything you need; every cent. All you have to do is seek me. Come after me with all you've got, and I will take you deeper then you've ever been. As I call you; look into my eyes and rest in my embrace. The waves may rage, but my peace calms every storm. This journey is just for you and I. I've got so much to show you. It's not about you, but it's all about Me!
It's all about my love story for you and I. Rest my child in my everyday word, and I will lead you to places you've never been. Where I lead all your needs are provided for and already met, and all because I know your name. I've called you Right Now to move mountains and to set my people free all in Jesus powerful name. You are my chosen, and only few who are chosen go, so my child hold nothing back and go. Dive in and let me lead you to all my marvelous wonderful adventures just for me.
- You may think that he has forgotten you, but he has a bottle with your name on it to. He wants all his children to know they are his beloveds and He is yours. He loves you so much and no matter what you may be faced with; no matter what it is, or how dark it is. He has already provided your need in this time. Rejoice and believe that whatever it is; it's done. He has you Beloved in his arms, and He knows your name. You are not just another name written in a book like on a doctor's waiting list. Your name is written in the Lambs book of life and He has and never will forget YOUR name. Rest in that!
I have never forgotten your name.
I'll never forget you. Invite me in and I will sup with you. (Rev 3:20)
Let me take you deeper. Come deeper with me.

It's all about my love story for you and I. Rest my child in my everyday word, and I will lead you to places you've never been. Where I lead all your needs are provided for and already met, and all because I know your name. I've called you Right Now to move mountains and to set my people free all in Jesus powerful name. You are my chosen, and only few who are chosen go, so my child hold nothing back and go. Dive in and let me lead you to all my marvelous wonderful adventures just for me.
- You may think that he has forgotten you, but he has a bottle with your name on it to. He wants all his children to know they are his beloveds and He is yours. He loves you so much and no matter what you may be faced with; no matter what it is, or how dark it is. He has already provided your need in this time. Rejoice and believe that whatever it is; it's done. He has you Beloved in his arms, and He knows your name. You are not just another name written in a book like on a doctor's waiting list. Your name is written in the Lambs book of life and He has and never will forget YOUR name. Rest in that!
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