Who I was not who I am

Who I was not who I am
By: Katerina French

scared and all alone
wrestling with the fear and doubt of never having a home
I find myself fighting just to remind myself I don't have to do this on my own
As a young child carrying the weight that a child should never dare face
hopelessly longing to be loved and not having to run away just because
Why do I have to hide my face
why do I have to fail the race
Why can't I be the child bought by grace?
Why do you see me not as though I am
But you see are my scared hands
my anger
my rage
my hate
torn apart
left alone to fill the parts that were once broken and torn
But then God gave me a new birth and I was born
Born a child of a Father who loves and adores the every intimate detail that was always ignored.
I don't have to cry the tears of pain and the tears of not knowing my name
because my daddy He came to save and on that day He rose from the grave
to save my soul and set me free
and show me love that this world could never be.

You see this was who I was and not who I am.


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