They should have, but they didn't

Yesterday I was preparing to do an illustration as the adulterous woman in John 8. I sat there holding this stone and all I kept thinking is how far my life has changed. Several years ago I was an absolute mess, and now I am 18 hours away from home following wherever God leads me. I have traveled all over the west and south of the United States ministering the Gospel, and I have had opportunities that I would never have imagined at my age. This rock says "yes, I should have been condemned". "Yes, I don't deserve to be where I am, But GOD".

Jesus knelt down to the woman and He asked her "Woman where are they? Did no one condemn you? (8:11) She said, "No one Lord." And Jesus said, "I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now  on sin no more."

He looked her in to the eyes and reminded her that He does not see her adulterous ways. He forgives her, and He loves her. When I was at my rock bottom, I felt Jesus meet me with the same compassion.He me me! He took my chin in His hands and He reminded me of what He has done for me. He has washed my sin by His death and resurrection on the cross. There is nothing I can do to destroy what He has for me. He told me I could run, but I couldn't run for long, because there is nothing that can separate me from His love, and that was true. I ran in shame and guilt, but then GOD! He met me and reminded me of how He sees me. Now I get to look back and see where I thought my life would be after that year, and now I look back and none of that holds any weight in my life because God has erased, and He has made me completely renewed! He walked in the room and He did what only He can do! He changed me!


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