Heart of the single

I am by far not an expert when it comes to relationships and dating. However this seems to be the center of most my conversations with young woman.

They desire to be pursued. They desire to be chosen. They desire to be spiritually led. They desire from a young age a dream God placed deep inside their core.

Many chase man's attention. Many need that affirmation which they don't realize when they seek it in man; it only leaves them broken and empty in the end. Most do not know how to be single and wait upon the Lord.

The season of singleness is a precious and tender process. It is in this season where you sit at the Father's feet. It's in this season you give God permission to do whatever He needs. He will begin to speak to you, affirm you, and He will accept you. He pursues you, fulfills you, and He loves you.

As you receive who you are as a Daughter and you begin to see your worth, then you will form a love for who you are. You will gain confidence and boldness in your identity. You will shine  like a star.

In your season of seeking who you are, then you'll be positioned to love someone else. In that season the walls will come down, and you will learn to trust someone else with your heart.
You will become so attractive for all the right reasons, and there will be a man (1 man) who will be drawn to you. He will see you as a blessing. He will want to pursue you. He will want you. He will honor and respect you. He will come to you. He will listen and follow the Lord's leading as He guides him to pursue you.

Daughter's,  you are worth pursuit! You will know this man is for you by his fruit. You will be led in peace, and good Godly council will confirm and encourage the relationship.

Trust God and release your heart and singleness to Him.



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