The sky is the limit

Today I just decided I'm going on an adventure. Now that adventure was mostly me thinking I missed my turn and decided to keep goin, but it was still an adventure! As I hit the gas, turned up the music, and drove down the back road I couldn't help but think there is absolutely nothing out here. Literally there wasn't! I kept thinking I missed my turn and now I'm gonna end up who knows where down this road. I felt the Lord remind me that this is exactly how our adventures go. We know the direction He's told us to go, but we can't see what's at the end of the road. We just have to trust Him. I took a deep breath and I realized He was right, and then I realized the limit to God's desires and God's plans. If you have ever been to the panhandle of Texas you know how flat it is, and you can see for miles on. Many times we think inside our comfortable little boxes, but God is so much bigger than that, and there is so much more He wants to do in our lives. There are people that He has coming in to our lives that need us to get out of that box. I was listening to this song and as the artist repeated the chorus "don't wanna waste my life life life, don't wanna waste my life life life". I couldn't help but think there is so much more that we can do. We buy in to the lie that we don't have this degree, or this money, or we don't have enough time, But really these are excuses. When we say yes to God and we don't care what anyone else thinks, and we're obedient to give whenever to whoever no matter how crazy something feels; He shows His hand at work, and just like the Texas sky. God has no limits to what He will do. When you stand there and you look out over the fields you get this awe at how big and wide it is. That's God. Look at all the miracles through out the Bible that God did. It took men and woman who weren't afraid to go and do whatever He asked them to do. Hebrews 11 gives us just some examples. Noah building the ark, Abraham going to a place where he was without knowing where he was going, Sarah was able to conceive because she believed, Ruth standing before Boaz, Esther storming the temple doors to approach the king, David going before Goliath, and Jesus and every healing He did. You see God can do anything, but He needs willing vessels. I think back home to the streets of Chicago, and that is just 1 place where there is need. How can God use you? Smiling at the cashier in the store, holding the door for someone, investing in a kid in the youth group, feeding the homeless man on the street, paying for someone to put gas in their car, offering to serve by cleaning the church for FREE, offering to help kids get to church,  or simply by walking down the street and asking the Lord to show you what others need. There is so much and there are so many people who need to hear about Jesus, and you may be the only voice they will ever hear about him from. Take the limits off and watch what God can do. You've heard the saying the sky is the limit, but God is all limitless, and He is all powerful, and there is nothing He can't do. Together we can take on the world for Jesus!

                                      Luke 1:37 For with God nothing will be impossible."


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