Believe where I came from

You know many people would look at where I am today and wonder how. If you would ask the majority of my high school teachers, or middle school teachers they would tell you that I'd be a drop out or in jail. I was listening to a song earlier and part of the verse is " You won't believe where I came from, believe in praise." The truth is we all have a story. That story may be very different from your friends, but that makes you no less then them. I know people who grew up on the streets of Chicago, and I know people who lived in the mansions of the suburbs, and you know, they too have a story. Many of you know most of my story, but if you want to know more I share more in my blog from March 2013 titled be-girl-who-was-and-who-is-to-come. My whole point in sharing this tonight is to encourage you. I was forced to drop out of high school, but I fought and I finished over a year later. Yes I did go back, but that left a deep wound that made me never think I could amount, or even that I was smart enough for college. You know what? God opened the doors for me to go to Master's Commission and through a long hard process I now have my Bachelors of Youth Ministry. The dream that I have felt called to since I was 15 years old. Everyone has a dream. You too have a dream, and everyone has an opportunity to live it out. You see I always thought I knew what I wanted, and I've just come to a point where I've given God my dreams and I have picked up His. If He's not in it you better believe I'm checkin out. If it's not His will for my life then Good bye! I have learned that the only dream that matters in my life is nothing I can get on paper, but it is simply living out the call God's put on my life, and as I do that He aligns everything else. You can do it. I know you can. It's gonna take work, lots of effort, lots of surrendering and time on your knees, and it's going to take a lot of renewing your mind. No joke I use to sit and cry before my tests in MC because I was battling the lies. It's hard, but in the end it's worth it. I look at my diplomas now and think wow in all honesty this is just paper to me. I've always wanted a degree in Youth ministry, but ya know what? God has equipped and trained me to serve wherever He calls me to serve. It's limitless what He can use!


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