Perfection is not protection

I'm one of those people who likes order. Actually I probably love it. I like things clean and organized. I like to make plans and have a schedule. I like my T's crossed and my I's dotted. I like to be early to everything. I like to know exactly what is expected of me, so I can do my job with excellence. I hate making mistakes and even more letting people down.

But then God! God began to teach me that not everything can be perfect. Not I or the life I live. I am human and no matter how hard I try my life will never be perfect,  because perfectionism was only meant for one man; Jesus.

I can not bare the weight that He could stand. I can not stand the pressure and the screw ups that He can. I get broken and I get hurt. I get offended and I get mad. I screw up and just like a child I color outside the lines. You see just like you I am a Daughter of a mighty king, and it Is in His perfection of His marvelous grace that I can finish out this race. He is perfect and I am not, but it in my imperfections that I see my need for my savior.

Sure I can make plans, but the Lord will determine His destination. I can even write the greatest song, but yet miss the beat. I can show up on time and yet miss the opportunity to make someone's day. God's taught me to be flexible.  God's taught me that it's not always going to be my way. I can't control anything. I can't always protect myself.

You see in a life where everything is perfect there is protection of playing it safe. God never meant for us to play it safe; He's called us to be unafraid. He's called us to step out on the water and let Him take the lead, and trust Him most when we can't see.

It's okay to color out side the lines. It's okay to be late at times. It's okay to forget to dot the i. It's okay to not have a plan. It's okay!
Because when we forget to cross the t, we are reminded that Jesus already did at calvary.


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