To obey, is to listen, is to hear, and is to heed to (1Samuel 15)

1 Samuel 15:22 NASB

Samuel said,
Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
As in obeying the voice of the Lord?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
And to heed than the fat of rams.

What was Samuel trying to tell us?
This is a verse that is overly quoted, but what is the content of the verse?

Obedience is better than sacrifice.
What does obedience mean to Samuel?
What does obedience mean to us as God's children today?

During this time Saul is leading the Israelites in to battle with the Philistines. In chapter 14 Saul is rebuking the Israelites for their disobedience unto the Lord (14:24). The men were hard pressed, hungry and probably very tired from the battle. Saul gives them an oath to not eat food before evening, and until he has avenged himself on his enemies (14:24). If they were to go against this oath, then they would be cursed. Johnathan didn't hear his father Saul's oath, so (14:27) he puts the end of his staff in to the honey and he begins to eat. Jonathan then proceeds to lead the other members to go against his father's orders even after he is confronted about the oath made. The people begin to eat what was left from the Philistines camp (14:32). They were eating meat with blood. They were so hungry they broke the levitical law to not eat meat with blood. In Levitcus 17:10-15 the law was created because the life of the flesh is in the blood and that made the meat unclean (17:10-11). Saul finds out about their disobedience to the Lord (14:33). He tells them they have acted treacherously. (TREACHEROUSLY, adverb trech'erously. By violating allegiance or faith pledged; by betraying a trust; faithlessly).
Saul commands those who ate the meat to bring forth an ox or a sheep to offer a sacrifice for their sin (14:34).

Jonathan was corrected and facing death because of his sin (14:44).
He received favor from those around him, and Jonathan was offered Grace, and his life was spared (14:45).
Chapter 15 Samuel approaches Saul with the word the Lord gave him about Saul's disobedience. Saul was being corrected because the people of Israel took the spoils of their enemy to offer as a sacrifice to the Lord (15:21). Saul as king was being corrected for what those under his leadership had chosen to do. Samuel was a man of God; appointed to speak to Saul. In this verse Samuel is asking Saul specifically “has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices As in obeying the voice of the Lord?” (15:22). Samuel goes on to tell Saul to obey is better then offering a sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Samuel is confirming to Saul it is better to obey: to listen, to hear, and take heed the voice of the Lord First.

It's like this! When you know God is telling you to not do something and yet you think what is the harm? You may say it's not that big of a deal, or vise versa that “thing” He's telling you not to do is something that can create a consequence, but you say “oh He'll forgive me and give me grace”. He will forgive us as His children just like when my nephew does something he knows he's not suppose to. I will forgive him. I will still love him, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't rather him just have done what he was supposed to from the beginning.

I believe Samuel is trying to get Saul to see this. Yes, you offered a burnt sacrifice for your sins to make right for what was done, but to obey the voice of the Lord is better then having to go make a sacrifice.

While working at the school I would have to give my students instructions, now these instructions were not so I could control them. I gave them instructions because I knew what the plan was. I knew what was a head of them, and I also knew the consequence if they didn't listen. God knows the plans He has for us, He knows what's ahead, and He knows how to get us there. He doesn't call us to be obedient to control and manipulate us. He calls us to obey because He loves us and wants whats best for us.

The word in the original Hebrew context is shama which translates to the English word Obey. Noah's 1828 Dictionary defines 
OBEY, verb transitive [Latin obedio; Gr.]
1. To comply with the commands, orders or instructions of a superior, or with the requirements of law, moral, political or municipal; to do that which is commanded or required, or to forbear doing that which is prohibited.

The Hebrew word shama means to hear, to listen, and to heed to.
1. We are to hear the voice of the Lord.
2. We are to be still and Listen to the voice of the Lord (Psalm 46:10)
3. we are to heed: to mind; to regard with care; to take notice; to attend to the voice of the Lord.

The instructions of the Lord is simply this; whatever commandments and instructions are in His written word, and whatever the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding you to do. His instructions are His words. Written and spoken. His word! As Believers we are called to obey His word. As we walk in this obedience first we will not have to keep walking the same road over and over. We won't have to keep going back and asking for forgiveness, and keep trying to pick the pieces up. We won't! Yes there is grace and mercy, but with disobedience comes correction. Saul as king was being rejected from being king because of his disobedience (15:28).
The Bible says the Lord regretted making Saul King over Israel (15:35).

Being obedient and listening from the beginning is pleasing to the Lord. 

If we take a look at Esther it was by her obedience and willingness to listen, to hear, and to heed to the voice of the Lord; she found favor.

If Esther would have remained silent and not gone before the King un summoned (which in those days was result for immediate death) then her Father's house and all her people (the Jews) would be destroyed. By Esther's obedience a whole nation was spared. By her obedience she found favor in the kings sight.

Esther 5:2  When the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, she obtained favor in his sight; and the king extended to Esther the golden scepter which was in his hand. So Esther came near and touched the top of the scepter.

Obedience is not about avoiding the consequences. Obedience is found favor in the sight of the Lord. 

Behold to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams. (15:22)


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