Daughter's Cry

I wrote this a few years back.
This morning I'm going to share something my heart just breaks from. I want ALL men to know maybe something no woman has ever really shared with you. The Bible stands firmly on the renewing of our minds, and protecting what goes into our bodies. I am so tired of the enemy using pornagraphy to steal and rob our families! Enough is enough! I have seen so many of my own family members destroyed because of this; I have seen what it can do to a man's heart. One way to make your heart hard start looking at garbage! Want to feel condemed and shame; well there you go! I am not writing this to be judgemental I am writing this to show you the heart of a little girl and many woman out there.

As a father have you ever taken a step back and asked yourself "how does this cause my daughter to feel? I will tell you that when we hear the word " HOT" from her dad it does not make her feel absolutely stunning, it makes her feel not pretty in the one man who she is NEVER suppose to feel that. She thinks quietly to herself why does he see woman as if they are pieces of meat. If she doesn't have the body figure the same as most the woman you compliment she is going to feel no man will ever want her. Father's it is time for you to rise up, turn from the ways of this world, and start putting your daughter's needs as priority. I have seen young high school girls who feel all of this and often times more. We live in a generation where the men have secluded themselves in either work, toys, or depression.

I believe the Lord is calling men to stand to their knees! ( yes I said knees) It is only on their knees with their hands lifted to Jesus will they find the filling to the void in their lives. Life is too short to live with your back turned to the ones who need you. I am so thankful that as a woman: my father tells me over and over everyday multiple times in HIS word how he adores me, and I am enough for HIM! I am my beloved and HE is mine.( Solomon 2:6 )

Brother's I am calling you; blood or no blood to stand for your sister's! How you treat the woman around you is mirror example to the kind of man your sister is going to seek. Be her protector! Tell her you love her, and she deserves more than just some random joe blow. Be yet another example into her life.

Brother's in Christ: Show your sister's they are all equal to be treated the same way whether or not what their outer appearance shows. If your sister in Christ had one eye compared to a gorgeous woman who has two; let her know she is still just as important. Let God use you in the lives of the girls who don't have a godly brother in their lives.

Men woman see, all different ages we see the example you are. I am not saying you are to be perfect for I know we live in an inperfect world, but we need to see through our father's and brother's: the example of Jesus Christ so we can live to be examples. Restoration is coming and the healing in families is right around the corner. The widow with her children will have men from the body of Christ come along side her sons/daughters, and show God has not forgotten them! Children who have been left without father's God has NEVER left you or forsaken you; he is there wanting you to take his hand so HE can fill every void you have. Drugs, sex, alcohol, and gangs have replaced the role of some fathers. I say enough is enough and we need to take back what the enemey has tried so hard to steal.


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