Real Deal
This is the real deal! If you're looking for someone who always has everything together, then that definitely is not me. I will say that I am real, and I am never going to hide that. With that said the reason I say this is because you are real. How can you hear and receive truth from someone who aint bein real? Y'all know what I am saying. Lately I have felt more like a Jacob fighting with God rather than a Ruth who trusts God. Sometimes we allow the past to rise up and tell those old lies. This morning the Lord woke me up and brought me to this passage.
Psalms 139:16-18 AMP
Psalms 139:16-18 AMP
Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would be more in number than the sand. When I awoke, [could I count to the end] I would still be with You.
You see no matter where we are at. No matter what we are facing. No matter if you feel distant from God; he is always thinking about us. We are his children and he saw us in the womb where no one else could. He has all of our days already written out in his book. He has ordained our steps. He thinks about us. His thoughts are precious towards us. He is always thinking about us, more then the sum of the sand! Wow! When we go to sleep, or even when we run away from God; he is still with us. He still loves us. Even when it seems as though we can not trust that we hear his voice; we can always trust His word. He never leaves us. He is always with us, and his love is immeasurable. I want to encourage anyone who feels like this is them, maybe you just stare at the Bible because you're afraid to open it, because you don't want to believe something that may not come to pass. Maybe you have been believing God for a long time on something, and you have started to doubt if it was him. Know this He will never tell you something and not show evidence of some degree. He always will show us if it is truly him. Always remember in due season harvest will come. He created us. He loves us, and he is never going to lie, or disappoint you. Take the challenge to open his word, and let his truth minister to your heart. He will meet you right where you're at. I know this because this is me, and He met me right smack in Psalm 139 to show me how he knit me together, and then today how he ordained my days, and how he thinks about me. Let him do the same and more for you today!
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