Love that Never leaves

I was reading this morning in Genesis 3 and all of a sudden it hit me; God saved Adam and Eve. When they ate from the tree God could have destroyed them and then created new man and woman, but he didn't. This is what he did instead. He made garments of skin to cover their nakedness. God then sent them out of the garden of Eden to cultivate the ground from which he was taken. While yes he punished them by removing them from the garden, but he never turned his back on them. He did not leave them to suffer, no he provided for them. He supplied their needs and sent them forth to continue on with his plan and purpose. He never turns his back on us. He always supplies our needs, and he always moves us foreword no matter the mistake we make. His love never moves. We can tend to move away from him, but he never leaves us. His promise to Joshua (1:5) No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. He forgives us of our sins and he remembers them no more. We are human, so we remember the past and our mistakes, but to God they are washed completely away. Whatever you have been through know that he is working things out for your purpose right now. You keep moving and you never stop, and he will keep guiding you. He has a plan and a purpose for you that he has not and will never forget! His grace is offered and it is a free gift for you to receive. Jesus so deeply loves you with an agape love; a forever love.


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