Let Go of the base
Anyone who has ever been to a baseball game will know exactly what I'm talking about. When the man on base has hovered off the base and has his arms spread open. He is looking at trying to steal third, but questioning whether it is safe to proceed. Should I let go of the base I know I am safe on and try running to one that may get me out?
This is a perfect picture as to how we try so hard to stay on the edge with our safety net. When God calls us out upon the water, the only safety net he wants us to use is our faith; believing He will not let us drown. There are things in our lives where it can be very scary to step off the ledge and let go, but know that when you let go of your fear and anxiety then God can show you his supernatural signs and wonders. Look at Peter (Matthew 14:25-33) Jesus came towards the boat, walking on water in the middle of the night. Peter had faith to step out of the boat when called; as long as he kept his eyes above the waves. The minute he looked down and saw his circumstances he started to sink. The minute Peter called for Jesus to save him; He did.
There is never a time when the Lord calls us to run to the next base if he doesn't know already that we can make it. He could pick us up and carry us if he wanted, but he wants us to release fear and run with all our might in the direction he is telling us; towards him. The game will always be continued and if you think about it the only thing that changes is your location, but your directions are always the same; run towards him.
The instructions are always the same "Come" (Matthew 11:28-29) “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. If we just run to Him, then he will show us the rest.

So no matter what it is that you are afraid to believe for, or what base you're holding on to know this HE is your safety net that will always catch you!
It doesn't matter if that baby daddy isn't in the picture, because He is the Papa to your son/daughter.
No Car: He owns the car factory
No Money: He supplies the Job
No Job: He supplies the open door
No Insurance: He supplies the open door which supplies the job which supplies All benefits
Sickness/Disease: He is your healer
Broken heart: He mends the broken hearted
Addiction: He offers Grace which offers restoration.
He makes ALL things NEW!!
So Run Home and don't look back!
This is a perfect picture as to how we try so hard to stay on the edge with our safety net. When God calls us out upon the water, the only safety net he wants us to use is our faith; believing He will not let us drown. There are things in our lives where it can be very scary to step off the ledge and let go, but know that when you let go of your fear and anxiety then God can show you his supernatural signs and wonders. Look at Peter (Matthew 14:25-33) Jesus came towards the boat, walking on water in the middle of the night. Peter had faith to step out of the boat when called; as long as he kept his eyes above the waves. The minute he looked down and saw his circumstances he started to sink. The minute Peter called for Jesus to save him; He did.
There is never a time when the Lord calls us to run to the next base if he doesn't know already that we can make it. He could pick us up and carry us if he wanted, but he wants us to release fear and run with all our might in the direction he is telling us; towards him. The game will always be continued and if you think about it the only thing that changes is your location, but your directions are always the same; run towards him.
The instructions are always the same "Come" (Matthew 11:28-29) “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. If we just run to Him, then he will show us the rest.

So no matter what it is that you are afraid to believe for, or what base you're holding on to know this HE is your safety net that will always catch you!
It doesn't matter if that baby daddy isn't in the picture, because He is the Papa to your son/daughter.
No Car: He owns the car factory
No Money: He supplies the Job
No Job: He supplies the open door
No Insurance: He supplies the open door which supplies the job which supplies All benefits
Sickness/Disease: He is your healer
Broken heart: He mends the broken hearted
Addiction: He offers Grace which offers restoration.
He makes ALL things NEW!!
So Run Home and don't look back!
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