The Red Rose vs 1 Year
Over the past several years I have felt God moving in my life in a very hands on training field aspect, and now I am positive of it. I have not been available to write and share with you as much as I wish, but I will keep you all updated on what is going on.
My first week of Masters commission was filled with getting in to schedule and lots and lots of information. I am so blessed to be a part of a team that has the same stance of purity and relationships as I do. Every first year has taken a pledge to remain single for 9 months and with that they are not allowed to communicate with any guys. I know it may seem over the top, but if you think; it's not. We as woman are to guard our hearts and if you step back and observe how men and woman relationships are; they're messed up. How many times as a woman have you questioned a guys intentions only to find out they want nothing more than a friendship, or to be physical? Come on now, you know exactly what I am saying. We give so much of our hearts away with out even thinking about it.
Our hearts are like a rose. Think of the rose from Beauty and the Beast. That precious rose would loose it's petals. The Holy Spirit gave me this analogy back in 2008. As ladies we attach ourselves emotionally and often physically. We create soul ties with the opposite sex that we should never create. I have the image of our hearts as this beautiful red rose and as we give apart of our heart away, there goes a petal. I have imagined standing before my groom on my wedding day and handing him my rose; the very rose that God gave me. Now on that day do you want to offer a stick that may barely have petals left? Or do you want to have behind your back, ready to offer your groom with this beautiful blossomed red rose? I picture myself holding the rose behind my back and as I stand before him; bringing my arm forward to sunrise him with a fresh, red, and blossomed rose.
Now I know you may have made mistakes in the past, but know if you have confessed your sins then you are forgiven. (1 John 1:9 -If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.) No longer does he see you as desolate, broken, damaged, impure, or guilty, but He has given you a new name (Isaiah 62). "You are My Delight is in her," And you land, Married", For the Lord delights in You, and to Him your land will be married. He loves you and He has forgiven you.
Now I challenge you to take a season of your life and really set yourself apart from relationships. Allow God to take you deep and let him show you who you are in Him. Before you will ever have a relationship that will last, you need to know your identity in Him first. Let Him take you deep in to His heart. Let Him teach you what love is and how a man is suppose to treat a woman. You are worth so much more to Him. I really challenge you with this. God is so good, and remember whatever you sacrifice for Him; He offers us His absolute BEST. God told me in 2007 to surrender my relationship and commit to not pursuing anything or anyone even if it comes my way for at LEAST 1 year. He asked me to give Him this time for him to break me, mold me, shape me, and allow him to form me into the woman that He has created me to be.
If we can't be the woman He created us to be for him, then how do we ever expect to me the woman our future husband and children will need? It's all about how deep and serious you want to be. I know I personally want God to bake me through His oven, so I can be the Daughter, then the wife, and eventually Mother that He needs me to be, and my husband and my children need. I want to be the best wife that my husband needs. I want to be the wife that he knows will love him with Christ love, and I want to be the mother that my children need. I really encourage this precious season. It's worth it!
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