Challenge By Choice 2014
This past weekend went through something called Challenge By Choice.
We were given a list of 6 scriptures and a team chant.
We were given a list of 4 extra things that we could bring, and we were told when to be at the van.
Thursday night we got there and were given new names. I was 203. Instead of names we were broken in to teams and numbered. We slept in tents, we had our own homemade restroom out beside the garage, and we ate very scarce. We were challenged physically, spiritually, and mentally. We would jog/walk 2.4 miles to the beach. We had drill sergeants come and teach us how to do things in sync with our team members. I was up for the challenge because going in to it I was praying for God to break me and stretch me and my team. I was so beyond blessed with an incredible team. I have always had the experience where people didn't want to do anything, so I would do it myself. I was also use to the men in my life always leaving me behind, not really knowing how to be leaders. This weekend God completely changed all that mindset. Due to an old injury I was not able to physically do some of the activities, but I had guys on my team who stepped up and took my place. When I couldn't jump over the volley ball net, they picked me up and tossed me over. We crawled through the mud pit under the house, we memorized scripture, we dug for fish in the sand (not my favorite part), and we accomplished many of the activities as winners.
This was a challenge that at any moment you could quit. Quitting was Never an option for me.
The last day my team wanted to job down to the beach, but I just knew something was off with me. 204 kept beside me the entire time. He encouraged me to jog 15 seconds and then we'll power walk. He continued to tell me that he is right beside me, we're doing this together, and he's not going to leave me. WHAT?? 202 also encouraged me to jog another 15 seconds and then continued to count to 20. He later told me come on you can do it, you already exceeded what you thought you could do. I still was struggling to breathe. As we drew closer to the beach I just had to stop. My partner stood with me as I fell to the ground because I couldn't breathe. They stayed with me. I remember going to my knees just tears flowing from my eyes. My team stepped aside for the woman to help me and they began to pray for me. I calmed down and slowly rejoined the rest of the group. As we headed down to the lake I just kept telling God "I don't want to give up." We lined up and they told us to reflect on the past few days. I just kept seeing myself on my knees telling God that in order to continue I need His absolute strength. I had nothing left physically to give. They had all of our teams come together for a group picture, just to show how much joy we had. It took everything I had to smile, and then they announced we have officially finished Challenge By Choice 2014. I wept!
God showed me so much that weekend. He showed me that most my life sickness has kept me from completing many things, but Not anymore.
He showed me real godly men who know what it is to serve, and lead with a leaders heart.
He showed me what it was like to completely depend on him.
He showed me that my flesh will fail me, but with His strength you only soar.
He will always lead me.
He will never leave me, and He stays right beside me through it all.
He reminded me that I can memorize, because His word is alive inside of me, and constantly on my tongue.
Last but not least... Everything is about working together as a team and fighting for one another at all costs.
It was worth Every Challenge!
We were given a list of 6 scriptures and a team chant.
We were given a list of 4 extra things that we could bring, and we were told when to be at the van.
Thursday night we got there and were given new names. I was 203. Instead of names we were broken in to teams and numbered. We slept in tents, we had our own homemade restroom out beside the garage, and we ate very scarce. We were challenged physically, spiritually, and mentally. We would jog/walk 2.4 miles to the beach. We had drill sergeants come and teach us how to do things in sync with our team members. I was up for the challenge because going in to it I was praying for God to break me and stretch me and my team. I was so beyond blessed with an incredible team. I have always had the experience where people didn't want to do anything, so I would do it myself. I was also use to the men in my life always leaving me behind, not really knowing how to be leaders. This weekend God completely changed all that mindset. Due to an old injury I was not able to physically do some of the activities, but I had guys on my team who stepped up and took my place. When I couldn't jump over the volley ball net, they picked me up and tossed me over. We crawled through the mud pit under the house, we memorized scripture, we dug for fish in the sand (not my favorite part), and we accomplished many of the activities as winners.
This was a challenge that at any moment you could quit. Quitting was Never an option for me.

God showed me so much that weekend. He showed me that most my life sickness has kept me from completing many things, but Not anymore.
He showed me real godly men who know what it is to serve, and lead with a leaders heart.
He showed me what it was like to completely depend on him.
He showed me that my flesh will fail me, but with His strength you only soar.
He will always lead me.
He will never leave me, and He stays right beside me through it all.
He reminded me that I can memorize, because His word is alive inside of me, and constantly on my tongue.
Last but not least... Everything is about working together as a team and fighting for one another at all costs.
It was worth Every Challenge!
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