Words that spread a flare: Proverbs 15
The past month I have found myself studying the book of Proverbs. The more I read the more wisdom I feel I gain. This makes sense since Proverbs is known for being the book of wisdom!
I am going to go straight in to Proverbs 15. From the very first verse we see
A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.
Have you ever been around someone who pushes every button that you have, and then it seems as though they have found more buttons that you didn't even know you had?
In these moments I have learned to really guard my tongue. It does no good for anyone if I make some sarcastic comment. When someone is angry we think that we have a "right" to let our tongue loose, but if you really think about it, what happens when we do? The person who is angry already gets even more heated. However if we hold our tongues and use wisdom with what we say, then that situation is likely to diffuse. In these moments we have to lay down our pride and humble ourselves. Whoever teaches that we have a "right" to yell and get loud at someone, umm.. sorry but that's not Biblical. The only "right" that we have in such moments is to shut our mouths and be the example of Jesus Christ.
Which leads me to verse 2.
The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing, but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness.
Who wants to listen to ranting and complaining? Who wants to listen to you whine? Aint no body want to listen to our foolish rants. When we go off does our "right" to rant bring people closer to Jesus, or not want to have anything to do with us? It does not matter what that person did or did not do, we are called to be the example. It's easy to be sarcastic and make a joke, but at who's cost? We think we can brush things off by taking a secret dig at another. Same thing! Our words matter and more importantly how we choose in these moments to use our words matter! We have to sound different then the rest of the world. We have to choose to diffuse situations instead of flare the sparks. No matter if your innocent or not. I personally have found that when I get sarcastic it's not a joke, it's how I feel and it's mean! There are so many scriptures in the Bible that speak about our tongues and the words we speak. We need to remember Jesus was gentle and not harsh!
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