The Discipline of a Shepherd
Proverbs13:24 (AMP)
24 He who spares his rod [of discipline] hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines diligently and punishes him early.
After reading this scripture I immediately imagined a shepherd.
In the Greek Shepherd comes from the word poimḗn – properly, a shepherd ("pastor" in Latin); someone who the Lord raises up to care for the total well-being of His flock.
A shepherd's main job is to lead his flock from one pasture to the next. His job is to maintain the safety and nurturing of the sheep. He is responsible for feeding them, guiding them, and disciplining them when they go a stray. The word shepherding means to "redirect here". The shepherd carries with him a staff according to his height, this is to help him walk and also to redirect the sheep. The staff is often made out of horns or strong wood. When a sheep ventures off on it's own the Shepherd takes the crook of his staff and wraps it around the neck to pull the sheep back in line with the direction of the shepherd. He knows the direction the sheep need to establish in order to remain safe, and to reach their appropriate destination. At times the shepherd will carry the young over their shoulders until it can be trained to walk on it's own. When a sheep is going astray continuously the shepherd will "brake" the leg by tying a heavy weight to it's leg, this is to slow the sheep down. A good shepherd cares for his flock and brings discipline. Some people do not like to be disciplined. Some do not like to be told what to do, but if we are going to be the leaders that God has called us to be then we have to follow after His instructions.
In John 10:11 Jesus said I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd risks and lays down His [own] life for the sheep.
If He is the good shepherd and a shepherd herds and nurtures his flock, then this should be the way that we instruct and discipline our own flock. As leaders we will have people who follow and heed to the word of God, and then we will have those that no matter how many times you bring discipline and correction they still will walk the opposite way. This is key as a leader! Even when someone we are mentoring walks the other way we continue to love them. We continue to let them know that we are there for them. There will be people that are like the young lambs who need more nurturing until they are able to walk on their own. There will be those who need correction. No matter what area of ministry or the capacity of your ministry; your leadership has to remain consistent with the love of Jesus Christ. The reason that we are able to be shepherds over flocks is because we are first the sheep following the voice of The Shepherd.
John 10:27
The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me.
He directs us, He nurtures us, and He brings discipline when we need it.
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