Take the passenger seat & release the keys:
When you have been so use to being the driver it is hard to trust other's when they have the keys. You get use to being the one who can control when to go, how fast you go, and where to turn. You also have the power to put your foot on the brake when you think you need to. When you have been in a car where the person in the driver seat drives foolishly, and you end up hurt it becomes so easy to not trust anyone else with the keys. There's a time when someone will come along to drive and you have to learn to trust that not all drivers are going to be careless and foolish. You have to learn to trust that driver, and know that they drive with great caution, because they know they carry precious cargo.
In life some of us have been in the car with someone who didn't treasure our safety. Someone who didn't care how their actions affected you and their choices brought a lot of pain. If this is you then I am sorry. These situations cause major trust issues and we soon start gripping the keys and we don't let anyone else drive. We soon realize that if we have the keys then no one can hurt us. We think if we are in control and we take care of ourselves, then we will never get rejected again, because we don't need anyone. Some times we are reminded of this distrust. Sometimes we can have the view point of just Jesus and I, and please don't get me wrong. We are suppose to trust God, but how can we truly trust God if we can't trust our friends and family? I mean those people who truly love us. If God is trustworthy and He places those around us who loves us, then how can we not trust them? Yes, I know that man will fail us and we're not suppose to put trust in man, but just follow me. Every relationship takes trust other wise what kind of relationship do you really have? God is going to bring people in to our lives that make us feel uncomfortable, and this is not a bad uncomfortable, but it's a learning to trust uncomfortable. It's realizing that not everyone is going to reject, abandon, or hurt you. God stretches us because while we need to be strong and independent, we also need to learn how to depend on others and especially depend on God. He has plans for every single one of His children and He loves us too much to let us stay in the drivers seat. He wants to teach us how to trust other's. He wants to teach us how people are suppose to treat us, and honestly it starts with us. We have to allow God in to these areas of our lives where there is still trust issues, and we need to ask Him to bring healing to those situations.
During the healing the process you will find yourself in the passenger seat trying to hit the invisible brake, because it is uncomfortable. Comfort came before uncomfortable. Our comfort doesn't take us to where God is taking us. Our comfort keeps us protected in a box, but really it brings with it other hurt. It is scary to open your heart, to take off the masks, and let someone see what really lays behind that smile. This "our comfort" that I speak of can also we identified as Fear. Fear of getting hurt. Fear of not knowing. Fear of rejection. Fear fear fear! We are not called to live in a spirit of fear.
2 Timothy 1:7 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Power, love, and self discipline. It is scary to take a step, but do you think that Peter just stepped out on the water unafraid? Do you think that David stood before Goliath with out any concern? Do you think Mary wasn't a little scared to carry a child? God is the one who brings the comfort in those moments. The Holy Spirit is our comforter:
John 14:26(AMP) But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.
We have to trust Him to surrender the keys! It's time to get out of the drivers seat, it's time to lay down our distrust in others, and allow God to teach us what trust really is.
Noah's 1828 Dictionary: Trust: 1. Confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person.
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