Scars that shine
My scars no longer hold the power of un-revealed harm;
for I know my security is resting in His arms.

have realized they don't have the power they did from the start,
to rule my life, But then Jesus Christ came and renewed my mind according to His word I'm a riches find.
I've been given all power and authority on earth
to walk in victory and see my worth.
Jewels, diamonds, treasures alike,
none can compare to what is in my lovers sight.
Beauty He sees, strength He finds, Obedience is key,
but my love is one of a kind.
Old roots don't feed me still, but
I bask in His presence trusting in His will,
to do great and mighty plans in and through my Master's hands.
Scripted like a story on a page, my author signs victory everyday.
New mornings come and the sun will shine
But the glory belongs to the author of time.
He gives me not labels of guilt or shame
But my author gives me a Brand new name,
At the end of the day he writes it the same
New Masterpiece, Beautiful creation,
there is no more shame.
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