What is Freedom?
When the veil was torn ( Matthew 27:51)there was a celebration: a big assembly to observe a special event in a very special way. We believe: to accept as real and true that we have Freedom:being free rather than being confined:enclosed, limited, and restricted by sin. We have such freedom in Christ Jesus. Galatians 5:13 says we are called to freedom. We no longer are restricted by chains: something that binds and restrains, that holds us and keep us detained. Such chains are addiction, approval, pride, disobedience, lust, fear, anger, unforgiveness, ect. Instead of walking with our chains we can join the celebration because where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom (2Corinthians3:17). Paul says in Romans 8:11 that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. dwells with in you, so if the Holy Spirit lives in us, and if where the Spirit of the Lord is there's freedom, then that means everywhere we go we Have Freedom: under no confinement or restraints by sin.
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