Psalm 139:1-4
Psalm 139: 1-4 NASB
O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You understand my thought from afar.
3 You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
4 Even before there is a word on my tongue,
Behold, O Lord, You know it all.
When we break down this verse we get a deeper look at what David is saying.
Searched: to look over or through for the purpose of finding something; to explore; to examine by inspection; as to search.
Know: To perceive with certainty; to understand clearly; to have a clear and certain perception of truth, fact, or anything that actually exists.
Understand: To have just and adequate ideas of; to comprehend; to know
Scrutinize: To search closely; to examine or inquire into critically.
Intimately:Closely; with nearness of friendship or alliance
Acquainted:having personal knowledge.
Thank you Lord that you have looked over and through me; you have examined me and you have a clear and certain perception of who I am. You comprehend my thoughts from a far. You examine and closely search my path and lying down. You are close and you have personal knowledge of all my ways. Thank you Lord that you clearly understand all things.
O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You understand my thought from afar.
3 You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
4 Even before there is a word on my tongue,
Behold, O Lord, You know it all.
When we break down this verse we get a deeper look at what David is saying.
Searched: to look over or through for the purpose of finding something; to explore; to examine by inspection; as to search.
Know: To perceive with certainty; to understand clearly; to have a clear and certain perception of truth, fact, or anything that actually exists.
Understand: To have just and adequate ideas of; to comprehend; to know
Scrutinize: To search closely; to examine or inquire into critically.
Intimately:Closely; with nearness of friendship or alliance
Acquainted:having personal knowledge.
Thank you Lord that you have looked over and through me; you have examined me and you have a clear and certain perception of who I am. You comprehend my thoughts from a far. You examine and closely search my path and lying down. You are close and you have personal knowledge of all my ways. Thank you Lord that you clearly understand all things.
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