What is a Mighty Woman of Valor?
A few weeks back I did a break down of what a mighty man of valor is in the Bible context. Today I keep thinking what does a mighty woman of valor look like? Proverbs 31:25-29 paints a beautiful picture as to what a mighty woman of valor may look like. This woman is not pictured like the mighty man of valor, she is different. When I think of the man I think of a warrior in full armor, and when I picture a mighty woman of valor I think of the help mate, prayer warrior. She's gentle like Ruth, compassionate like Mary, nurturing and wise like Naomi, bold and obedient like Esther, and she is faithful like Mary (Jesus's mother). She is the kind of woman who doesn't focus on the unseen and the promise, but she walks in obedience to the sound of His voice. She doesn't let the things of this world scare her, because she is confident in her Father who holds the world. She is a warrior, but not the same type as the man. This warrior prepares her home. This warrior honors her husband and submits to him. This woman trains her children to go in the ways of the Lord. This woman intercedes on behalf of every daughter out there. This woman speaks truth even when she is afraid. This woman chooses wisdom instead of the foolishness of this world. This woman stands bold and bright out from the crowd because she walks in her identity and confidence in Christ. She goes to battle on her knees. She fights with the sword of truth over the lives of her family and friends. She comes face down in to the presence of her king, because she knows in His presence is everything. She is challenged and she is stretched, but she chooses all this, because she knows with each step there a seed planted for someone else to know the Jesus that she loves above everything else. She is far from perfect and she knows she fails the test, but she also know God will never give her more then what she can handle, and He will always go before her in the mess.
Proverbs 31:25-29 NLT
She is clothed with strength and dignity (True honor; nobleness or elevation of mind, consisting in a high sense of propriety, truth and justice, with an abhorrence of mean and sinful actions; opposed to meanness.) and she laughs without fear of the future.When she speaks, her words are wise (Properly, having knowledge; hence, having the power of discerning), and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her, Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Mighty Woman of Valor:
You see a man fights with his weapons and physical strength where as a woman fights with her heart and her compassion. A mighty woman fights for the dreams and visions that God has given her man, and she encourages him to walk in that call. She is strong, and able to with stand attacks because she fights not on her own strength, but unified and united as one in Spirit. And she is willing and able to wait for whatever plans God as for her. She is a woman of strength and dignity. She is the bride of Christ.
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