Dalhart Texas: Blessings
I'm writer and this is what I do. I write because when I start writing my heart floods the paper in a way that sometimes I just can't express, so Here it is.
This time last year I praying and believing for God to get me to Dalhart, Tx. At the time so many people were asking me what's my goal, why do I want to come, and what do I expect to get here. Yes, I came here for a program, but when God chose to bring me to this little rodeo town in the pan handle of Texas He had so much more planned. I look back now and I realize how much God has done in my life this year. He gave me stability which I have not experienced in many years. He blessed me with a job to pay my own tuition, and He gave me the gift of being able to bless whoever He led me to bless. He gave me a suv for free, so that I could keep my job and be able to provide the transportation for other MC students. He gave me a job that blessed me to the point where I could stop being scared of spending anything and I was able to get the things I really need. He gave me a family here that I will never ever forget. People who have fought beside me this year. People who have opened their homes and families for me to be apart. He gave me a director who I absolutely love because He taught me so much by just watching him and how he loves his wife. He gave me a team of incredible young people who I love very much. He taught me to trust again, and He brought me people who would teach me how to open up my heart, and depend on others. Not just depend on them, but to trust them. You know as I write this I still don't have the words to explain what Dalhart means to me. I started off not knowing anyone and not having a clue why God was leading me here, I just knew I had to be obedient to the call. Now here I am saying goodbye to a town that I have come to love, and I will forever hold close to my heart. Same questions are being asked "why do you want to come to Alabama?" "What are your goals?" You know what I have no other answer other then I trust my Daddy is calling me to pack up and go, and I know that I don't want to miss it! I know that when I get there He's already gone before me, and He'll meet me there. You see it's not about a 9 month program, it's about following after Jesus wherever He leads me to go. My only answer is I just want to be obedient whether I understand or whether I can see the plan.

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