Marvelous Art

Who is it you see when you look at the human being in front of you?
Do you see perfection? Do you see faults? Do you see failures?
Or is everything you see a misconception based on your false identity?

Who are you?
What makes you be who you want to be?
My Beloved, Do not let the glamour and the faulty Hollywood scene
define you and break you from who you were designed to see

made in the hands of the Lord's protection
Guarded treasured
Oh sweet child don't you see the worth your Father has created you to be?

You ravish at the sight of jewel and diamonds, but don't you know
Your father ravishes at the very sight of His daughter
Oh sweet child you are loved
You are treasured by the Father above

Don't loose hope in what you can't see
for faith comes by hearing and believing
not what your human eyes perceive

Beloved one please believe
you are so much more then what this world  sees
Guard your heart
open eyes
don't walk afraid nor believe the enemies lies
You are worth more then man who tells you
you should die
Baby listen to my heart
as I try to tell you
you are God's perfect piece of Art

God has a plan just for you
one day He will show you He is your groom
He cares about every detail that concerns you
 the very hairs on your head
and dreams you dream in bed

Oh beautiful one the master has not forgotten you
the very one who started sculpting you
in the palm of His sanctified hands.

Beautifully restored
Defined and complete
Believing in your heart
God is the Father and you are His marvelous art


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