Prophesy & The Promises Spoken

Just because your promise didn't happen doesn't mean it wasn't My promise.

We often think we can figure out the marvelous actions of God. We make ourselves believe we know when and how things in our lives will appear. The truth is no one knows the dates and times God will reveal the mysterious.

God's timing is not our own ("For your thoughts are not your thoughts, Neither are your ways My ways," Declares the Lord. -Isaiah 55:8)
When I heard these words my first thought was, but is that God if a prophecy doesn't happen?

He reminded me of this. Prophesy is knowledge of things to be foreseen in the future. Prophesy is not our guaranteed timing. Prophesy is not about making conclusions and accusations of our perceptions of the word spoken. 

Prophesy is believing the word spoken by faith in who God is. Abraham believed in faith in God was to Him. He believed God would give him a son. If you read through the story of Abraham and Isaac you'll see God never spoke the timing. God only spoke to Abraham Sarah would be with Child ( Genesis 18:14) The Lord tells Abraham at the "appointed' time He will return next year, and Sarah will have a son. God didn't them a specific date and time. He spoke it would be the next year, but He spoke "At His appointed time".

According to Strongs Today in English comes from the Greek word σήμερον (sēmeron) meaning this day.
Appointed is translated from the Hebrew word mow`ed which means appointment: a fixed time or season.

Prophesy is God's Appointed time. If you think of a doctor's office when you schedule an appointment it is when you and the doctor choose a specific time to meet. I believe and scripture reveals, God's appointed timing is when He chooses a specific time to meet!

Prophesy is spoken and our faith hides it in our hearts and believes in God's due timing what He spoke He will bring to pass; for He is not a God in whom shall lie (Numbers 23:19“God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? ) His appointment He made for the future time; He will meet. 

Here is the thing! Our human minds analyze and assume we know the time, but God's appointed time no man will know ( Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only)
I believe this verse doesn't just apply to knowing the time of Christ's return, but I believe it is for every appointed time God has. If our thoughts are not His thoughts and our ways are not His ways, then surely we can not know the specific timing of a future event. I am not discrediting How the Holy Spirit will give us words of knowledge, or speak prophecy in to our lives. I am sharing how I believe what we do with that prophesy can effect the outcome and delivery. 

The Holy Spirit gives us a word, but that word often times is then analyzed by our human mind. We may think we know exactly what those words mean, but until that very appointed timing, we won't know for sure. I am reminded of Hannah and her story.

Hannah in 1Samuel 1. She was one of two wives to Elkanah. Hannah's womb was closed and she could not carry a child. This woman watched as the other wife barred her husband's children and she could not provide that gift. Hannah even though she could not give birth was her husband's  blessing. Elkanah gave Hannah a double portion and he loved her, but she couldn't give him a child. Hannah took her request and her desires to the Lord. She cried out to Him begging God to give her a son.

 (1 Samuel 1:11 Then she made a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head).”

 Hannah continued to seek the Lord and hide her desire in her heart. He husband believed her to be a drunken woman, and yet she was simply praying silently to the Father. She was believing for her promise. She held her tongue until the day the Lord gave her favor and blessed her with a son named Samuel. Hannah did not know the timing God would give her a child, but she chose to believe God could.

When Prophesy is spoken I believe the Lord saying to hide take it before Him. Take your request. Take that specific word and give it back to Him. Surrender every aspect to the word. Surrender ever preconceived thought and imagination. Choose to believe in the one who no matter if that word turns out differently then you believed, choose to believe He is still and will always be the same! Don't let that word control and dictate your faith. Even though a prophesy is a word from God what we choose to do with it can determine if it becomes our god.

God loves us. Like Hannah and Elkanah. God loves us and we are his beloved one. He gives us a double portion. He allows us to receive what only His Holy Spirit can see. He will speak that of a mystery to our Spirits. He will show us our future and then ask us to believe and trust in Him.

Prophesy is not to get us off track. Prophesy is a tool to edify the body. Prophesy is a way for God to yet remind us of His great love for us. Prophesy can be a beautiful thing, but used incorrectly it can be devastating. Sex inside marriage is a beautiful illustration to becoming one with Christ, but outside the covenant it brings destruction and many times heartache. Prophesy spoken through the Holy Spirit and translated by the Spirit creates unity in His Spirit. Prophesy used for man's motive creates brokenness and resulting in people turning from God. We can misinterpret what is spoken, but we can also nail it on the head. When we see a prophesy from God come to pass that is when we see our faith manifest is what human man's eyes can not perceive.

By FAITH alone! When we believe in the spoken word God. When we surrender the time frame of manifestation. When we fix our focus on HIM and not the word spoken we'll see just because a promise didn't come to pass the way our human souls detected, it doesn't mean later on the Holy Spirit won't bring forth everything HE expected!


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