Fear vs Sonship

This is for someone dealing with rejection, or fear of not belonging. I pray Romans 8:15 over you. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, Abba! Father!"
You do not have to be a slave to fear and that is exactly what fear does, it paralyzes you and it leaves you feeling alone and helpless. Fear says "you're alone", "They will reject me, so I'll push them away first, so they can't hurt me". "Fear says I can do this on my own". Fear removes the hope that you can over come. When we try to fight for ourselves and we throw up those self protecting walls, really what we are doing is running away in fear. We aren't trusting God. We're afraid of the unknown of what He really could have for us. According to Paul we don't have to be slaves to such a spirit anymore, because we have received an adoption as sons and Daughters of God. We have a Sonship with our Heavenly Papa, and in that Sonship there is no room for fear! So stand up brush off what others have done to you and stand in your authority as a Son and Daughter of God. You are the righteousness of God in HIM. Bold and fierce as a lion. Courageous. You are the Royal heir to the throne of God, and you are made whole in HIM. Know who your identity lays in, and you will see your fear no longer lays in you.


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