All Daughter's!

The Lord is calling all of his daughter's to arise out of despair. There are christian woman who have fallen in their walks, there are woman who have given up hope, there are woman who stopped being in his great Word. There are woman who have felt so much shame; they have stopped caring even though the pain is like their heart is on fire. These are the woman who lay in bed at night and cry. These are the woman who will give their heart to any man that will receive it only for a mere few hours. These are also the woman that turn to explicit romance movies and self pleasure. Some may say these woman are not believers and they are dirty and shameful, but do you know God sees “Beauty for ashes”. All he sees is his daughter's who are crying out for love and security. They feel to much shame to share, and they do not dare believe; HE could want someone such as me. These are the thoughts that run through the mind. They feel as though they've given everything away, so what's the point of saving anything. These are just thoughts and lies that are on replay inside their heads. These woman are no different from you and I. Why you may ask? Because these woman are you and I. To some degree we each have been through one of these situations. Whether it is giving your heart away, or your body; in the end the pain is the same and the wound still needs healing. The healing that these hearts need does not come in a magazine, not the latest TV show, and not from your peers. This healing can only come when we recognize no matter the the shame we feel we've caused, or has been done to us there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God ( Romans 8:38-39). We can try and fix ourselves, and we can try over and over to stop the thing that may be hurting us, but the truth WE can't do it. The more we try, doesn't it seem as though we fall more and farther than the first time? We as woman; especially single woman. We desire to have an earthly man love us. We desire to be held, and told the storm can't harm us. We long for that warrior to ride up on his white stallion, and save the day. We have dreams that God has birthed inside of each one of us, and they are God given desires. HE wants to give us the desires of our hearts even when we fall. The truth is after we fall the belief of how christian men will portray us becomes so smeared. We believe that we are the harlot. Jesus himself loved, and showed forgiveness to the whore. The truth in all this is “our circumstances do NOT over power His Lordship”. That means when we as christian single woman understand the grace that was birthed inside of us the day we received Jesus as our Lord in Savior; then we understand the gift of His righteousness. We are the righteousness of God!(2Corinthians 5:21 ). We are created in his image ( Genesis 1:27 ). We can stand and proclaim his healing in our lives, because he himself chooses to reside inside of us (John 14: 16-17 ). Why do we run to the pleasures of this world? Because we do not have a full understanding of the love of God. When we believe and understand that No weapon formed against us will prosper ( Isaiah 54:17 ). When we believe that we are head and not the tail, above only and not beneath ( Deuteronomy 28:13 ). When we believe and have an understanding of Who God is, then we will see and know who we as his daughter's are created to be. The beauty that radiates the dawn, a live sun rising every morning, and the moon rising every night; that is the beauty that God created us to be. He put a call on each of our lives, and only the beauty ( and I am not talking about physical beauty) that each of us has that's the beauty that's going to be used. We are who he were created to be, and when we start believing that then our mistakes, and shame; they no longer control us. There is a calling on your life, and there in that calling, only YOU can fulfill. He is calling forth his daughter's not to seek the pleasures and desires of this sex crazed world, but to stand and arise to the call he has bestowed in their beauty. Daughter's you are enough!!! You are enough! Know that no matter the mountain that stands before you, whether that mountain is a relationship that needs to end, whether that mountain you're own desire and selfishness. No matter what your fall...MY DAUGHTER's, YOU ARE ENOUGH! Any man this side of heaven can tell you that you need to look this way, you need to party and relax this way, you need to do this for me, and that for me, BUT...The Lord is saying that YOU ARE ENOUGH for me, JUST THE WAY YOU Are! Arise and march into the throne room with all the baggage you carry and cast it on to the feet of Jesus, and believe that YOU ARE ENOUGH... And you ask WHY are you enough? Because the blood that Jesus shed freely on the cross makes you enough. When you walk in caring all your baggage, he sees the tears, but he does not see the shame, or any of the luggage that you carry; he see's Jesus. He sees what lays beneath those tears. He sees beauty, and he see's his grace. God is standing there in awe of your beauty, because he sees his reflection as he stares into the diamonds. You are the diamond and you have been refined, now stand, arise, and take your place at the father's side. God still has a plan for you. Picture when you're running on a track, and you end up falling off the path, just because you fell off the path doesn't mean the path is no longer there. The plans that God has for each of us is numerous, and the sky is the limit, but Sister's we all fall, and we all take different turns; more often than we would like. BUT! The path is still there, and we have a choice to choose to get back on the path towards the plans that God has for our lives, or we can choose the opposite. God's love never changes, and he knows the pain in your eyes, and he sees and catches every single tear you cry. No man can fulfill the pleasure that Jesus gives to his bride. No man can ever cherish you the way God can. No man can hold you and give you comfort the way the comfort of God's arms wrapped around his child. No man would give his life completely for another, the way Jesus laid down his life for you. His love is great and his love is wide, and more important His love is real. Believe and receive his amazing infinite love Today, do not wait another minute, for His love is the greatest gift you will ever know.


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