THE Dream:

Everyone of us has a dream inside that is waiting to come out and be used. God has bestowed many great gifts and talents in each of us. I recently have been reading The Cause Within You By: Matthew Barnett. Matthew is a pastor of a mega size church out in LA. He is the founder of the Dream Center; a dream God started with giving to his father 20 years before it's birth. This is a ministry that does far more than just bringing the word on Sunday morning. This is a 24/7 church that is going forth to bring restoration and healing to the streets of LA. As I continue to read this book and the adventure of this cause, it has really got me thinking. What is the cause that God has put in me? What is the dream that he has for me to live out right here, right where I am at today? There are many things that I wish I could be doing right now, but what is it that makes you come alive? We all have the same ability to ask God to reveal what dream it is that he has placed on our hearts for the season we are in. Holy spirit come and reveal your dreams for our lives right where we are at, and the position we hold today. Show us your direction and your opportunities. Reveal to us how to trust you more, and how to hold nothing back. We know that you have a plan and a purpose for our lives. We also know that there are things that you are calling us to step out of our comfort zones and do. Father reveal to each of your children the cause within them.

Daddy what is your dream for me today?


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