Lesson in Forgiveness

There has been a challenge all week for me, and it seemed as though the more I hardened my heart towards this person the more I wanted to scream. At first I just saw this person lazy, a thief, and very unprofessional, but then GOD. As I was judging her (which at the time I couldn't see) God showed me no matter what she is doing my sin is the same price. As the week went on I asked God to give me love for this woman, because it had to come from him. He pointed out not what she was doing wrong, but how I had hardened my heart towards her and I needed to forgive her.

Forgiving someone is not easy, in fact it is really hard. It is not something that we offer just when we feel like it, because Lord knows if we waited until we felt like it: who knows what the situation would look like. Most the time we get so stuck in wanting to see justice brought forth, that person to receive a consequence, and for them to see we really do know what we're talking about (which having to be right is Pride!). We ask for love, but we can not love if we can't forgive (Luke 7:47) He who loves much forgives much and he who loves little forgives little. These two come hand in hand.
Our hearts when we harden them become that of hard clay; a potter can't form hard clay. God is our potter and we are his clay; if we have our hearts so hardened then He can't move us or form us. We have to allow humility to over take being right or seeing justice done, because really eventually just like you that person will have to answer to God. We need to remain as that of soft moistened clay, and the only way to do that is by choosing to stay on the potters wheel where he can add water to us, so he can continue to form us.

How do you stay on the potter's wheel?
Simply stay in the word and always humble yourself. If you feel like it's the other person's fault then humble yourself, choose to forgive, and keep allowing him to mold you and form you. When we choose to forgive there is such a weight lifted; we were never meant to carry. Whatever you are carrying around right now release it, and release that person/people. No matter what they did to you God is your avenger, and He will always Avenge you. As every child has been singing lately....... Let it GO!


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