My Minister August 13,2012
My Minister,
It has been a long time since I last wrote you, but know that I've never forgotten you. For so many years I thought I needed you in order to survive. One day God showed me this dream of a husband was my Savior; he is the one who's rescued me. He gave me such a strong desire for a godly man, because through all that I went through; you were the one dream I could hold on to. Now He has promised me a new dream. I no longer see you as my rescuer, but I see you as my partner; someone to fight the journey with. I don't dwell on finding you anymore. I am just diving into serving. Fridays I attend a small group and I will tell you that all these woman are teaching me so much of how to come in alignment with you and how to keep my attitude pure. The Bible College internships started, and I'm in the nursery. I'm watching how to plant the word in to infants. They can worship God at that age too! I am being trained to instruct and raise godly spirit filled children. I am standing on the promise of Abraham; my descendants will multiply and bless the earth. It has been months and just recently I put on my purity ring again. This weekend I had the opportunity to go evangelize on the streets of Pilsen village in Chicago. I had such a joy fill me as I watched people young and old give their hearts to Jesus. God is so amazing! I just give him all the praise. Our team saw a total of twenty people saved. This is a season of opportunity and doors opening. God is changing my friends, and I am meeting new people. I am so excited as the fear flees in seven directions from me. God is doing amazing things and I am ready for it All! I love you for no other reason then you wanting to minister the word to the world of the hurting. No matter what you're called to do; I will stand beside you forever.
Your Ezer
It has been a long time since I last wrote you, but know that I've never forgotten you. For so many years I thought I needed you in order to survive. One day God showed me this dream of a husband was my Savior; he is the one who's rescued me. He gave me such a strong desire for a godly man, because through all that I went through; you were the one dream I could hold on to. Now He has promised me a new dream. I no longer see you as my rescuer, but I see you as my partner; someone to fight the journey with. I don't dwell on finding you anymore. I am just diving into serving. Fridays I attend a small group and I will tell you that all these woman are teaching me so much of how to come in alignment with you and how to keep my attitude pure. The Bible College internships started, and I'm in the nursery. I'm watching how to plant the word in to infants. They can worship God at that age too! I am being trained to instruct and raise godly spirit filled children. I am standing on the promise of Abraham; my descendants will multiply and bless the earth. It has been months and just recently I put on my purity ring again. This weekend I had the opportunity to go evangelize on the streets of Pilsen village in Chicago. I had such a joy fill me as I watched people young and old give their hearts to Jesus. God is so amazing! I just give him all the praise. Our team saw a total of twenty people saved. This is a season of opportunity and doors opening. God is changing my friends, and I am meeting new people. I am so excited as the fear flees in seven directions from me. God is doing amazing things and I am ready for it All! I love you for no other reason then you wanting to minister the word to the world of the hurting. No matter what you're called to do; I will stand beside you forever.
Your Ezer
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