PEACE Be Still

The last several weeks have been very interesting for me. It seemed as though everything I did at work was wrong, and I kept dropping things, my mood oh let's not go there. I was a wreck!
I knew the word and I knew I should trust in the Lord and believe that I took a step of faith, and I just need to wait it out. I was going NUTZ! One night after a long day of work I joined two friends of mine down by the river. One of the girls started playing worship music, and I just sat down with my feet in the river. I remember the wind started blowing, and all of a sudden I could feel this peace that I know well; it made everything disappear. My job, my falling apart car, my future. All of it had no weight; for right there in that moment my Papa wanted to show me HIS peace and His presence. Absolutely nothing mattered right then and there, because I knew God has everything under control, and whatever we are going through. Whatever storm is raining down on your life; rejoice! Sing! Dance! Thank God that he gave his son Jesus so that we wouldn't have to bare the real pain. What we feel in our storms and trials is nothing compared to the pain he took for us.

How do you trust God? I am sure I am not the only one who has ever wondered what this looks like.
I have come to the conclusion that a perfect picture of trust is being at peace while the rain is pouring, thunder is booming, and the lightening is striking in your life.

Isaiah 30:15
For thus the Lord God, the Holy one of Israel, has said,
"In repentance and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength."
But you were not willing.

I believe when we really are at that place of true contentment and peace; that is when we are really activating our faith. Your words change, your thoughts change, and your actions no longer are reactions to fear, but to faith. I am excited to share this journey with you. God is so Good! Speak the name of Jesus and watch as every negative emotion vanishes and your heart starts to over flow with Joy. Speak the name of Jesus! The powerful name of Jesus! Jesus is your peace in the storm, your comforter. Take rest (peace) in HIM.

- For those of you who are curious. My circumstances are the same, but my emotions are not. I am at rest in knowing he will always provide no matter the direction. I keep praising him, and singing my heart to him; He does the rest.


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