My Eye's Gaze

Emotions tell us that we need this or we should feel this way. As I am continually learning, God is showing me that the only satisfaction that's worth anything is in Him. As long as our eye's gaze is resting on him then nothing else holds weight. I was sitting in the middle of worship last night, and there the God of the universe so sweetly swept me off my feet. He reminded me of the promise he gave me. He reminded me that with out him there is no story, there is no hope, and there is no satisfaction. There is something about when you quiet yourself and just sit at the feet of Jesus. He is your king, and he is the only lover that matters to my heart. Old loves are faded, but his love Never fades. He has such great plans for his children, and he longs for us to take him by the hand, and allow him to show us it all. Quiet your heart, and ask the savior and Lord of your life to speak intimately to your heart. I guarantee he will whisper to the great depths of your soul. He is my husband, and therefore no other man's attention matters to me. Emotions can not try to fool me, because my Eye's gaze has been set forever on him, and it will remain. I long to sit at the feet of Jesus with my ear pressed against his heart. A woman such as Martha (Luke 10). A woman who was not distracted by anything. Her full attention was on Jesus. I want to know the desires of my King.


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