Our youth today-Adults tomorrow:Raise the bar

This morning I was listening to a sermon about family and raising your children. One of the things the pastor mentioned was Why when you ask a young person to do something, do they have to question why. Why is it that when an adult tells a young person to do something they just make an excuse? This really got me thinking. I work with pre-teens and teenagers so I understand the frustration that comes when they do this. Why is it there is such a lack of respect? Why do they think it's fun to be down right disrespectful? Why is it okay to talk the profane and sexual talk they do, or the subjects they talk about? I decided who better to ask then them.

I asked my campers why when an adult/parent asks you to do something; you have to ask why, or make an excuse? This unfortunately is what they said. While I applaud their honesty it also saddened me.

Tv is too important
I tell my parents it's my sisters turn.
Too lazy.
We don't want to.
They can do it themselves.
They have two hands and two feet.
If my mom were to ask me then I would do it.
uggg..you can do it.
To make them so fed up that they do it themselves.
I would do it because they're an adult and if you respect them, then they will respect you.

What are we teaching our kids/students? We make excuses for them after excuse. We pick up their messes and we don't teach them right from wrong. Many kids are told "oh their just teenagers, or they're just acting like boys, but really that gives them an even more reason to continue. I see this all the time when talking with parents after their child has done something to get in trouble. We have the opportunity to give these kids what they starve for; attention and discipline. Every minute we share with them; we have an opportunity to teach them. These kids live in a completely different world then most of us grew up in, and I realize that I am not that old, but it's true! We as the adults need to set the example. If we don't want our kids talking like that then really should we? I know I am not a parent, but an observer who deals with parents. I am the one who has to deal with all the behavior issues in a program setting and a school setting. It's important that we as the adults in their lives set the right example. When we go out to restaurants do we make such a mess for the wait staff to clean? When we go to the store do we drop things on the floor with the expectation that the staff can pick it up? Or when we are in a school/church/office/ect do we have the mentality, "oh it's the janitors job? If we set this bar for the younger generation, then they too will become irresponsible, rude, and careless adults Who only think of themselves. I have seen the families who live on welfare who are raised on the "streets" mentality, and I have seen the richy rich kind of kids who have everything. There is not much difference, these young ones all want the same thing to be love, disciplined, and raised. We have to set the bar and not be afraid to offend them. Don't be their friend... Be their parent. Be the adult and set the example. It's time to raise the bar!


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