Counterfeiting truth

In Genesis 3:4-5
the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy the purpose of God's plan. Right from the beginning Satan knew he didn't have power, because I think if he really believed he had all the authority he tries to make us think he had, then he wouldn't be trying so hard. He isn't trying to just get them to eat from a special tree. No, he was trying to get them to believe that God was with holding something from them. He tries to destroy us because when willing vessels are obedient and believe what the Lord says; they give God all power and authority for him to use them, and he does just that. God has a plan for his children and Satan will stop at nothing to try and delay it. He comes into our thoughts and whispers just like the Holy spirit's still small voice. The difference is his is negative, doesn't bring encouragement, and is always going against what God says. Satan told Eve God was keeping something from her, and he caused her to doubt God. God does not with hold anything from us unless it causes a threat to what he's called us to. God knows what we need, and he knows what we don't. We have to stop believing that he withholds things from us. He is a good God and he loves us.

Today I was pulling out from the park after work and there was this seagull that landed in front of me. As I waited for traffic to clear my attention was drawn to this bright big orange thing hanging on his beak. As I watched closely I realized it was a fish, and a big one at that! I drove away with part of  Matthew 6:26, even the birds of the air will I feed. It is so easy to get stuck in the mindset of poverty, sickness, or just lack there of. God wants his children to know that he loves you, and surely if he can bless a bird with a big fish just by swooping over the pond and you are more valuable, then surely he can provide whatever you need. He did not give this bird a tiny guppy; he gave him a Big bright orange fish that would fulfill his hunger. We need to renew our minds, and we need to tell that "other" voice to shut his trap, because your daddy is the supplier of all your needs, and he lacks Nothing! We do not have to doubt God. We have to believe his word is true. What he says; he will do.  He proves it over and over again in the Bible and in our own lives. If we would just take a minute to think I bet we'd come up with many examples. We do not have to doubt, and we certainly do not have to give that voice one more listen. God wants his children to see everything the devil says and does counterfeits( 1. made in imitation so as to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; not genuine; forged.) what His promises say, and everything HE says comes to complete fruition ( state of bearing fruit.) in his time. Believe!


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